Guardians of Ga’Hoole Wiki
"These owlets are the walking dead. I think it would be better to be dead than be like 47-2."
Soren, The Capture, page 87

47-2 was a female Western Screech Owl (Megascops kennicottii) and a third-degree picker in the St. Aegolius Pelletorium during The Capture. She was a dedicated servant to St. Aggies and an example of a perfectly moon blinked owl.


The Capture[]

When Soren and Gylfie were both captured and taken to St. Aegolius, 47-2 was already an established pellet picker at St. Aggies. Her name, 47-2, was given to her as a number designation, as was the standard naming convention for all of the moon blinked owls of St. Aggies.

47-2 was the most advanced third-degree picker when Soren and Gylfie arrived at St. Aggies, therefore she acted as a guide for all of the new owlets assigned to the Pelletorium. She explained to the owlets, along with Soren and Gylfie, the manner in which to pick through pellets. During her explanation, she stated that the next day she would become a second-degree picker.

Later on, Soren brought up how lovely the "stirrings of flight" he felt as his flight feathers began to grow in were to 47-2. However, 47-2 dismissed this, asserting that these feelings were actually quite bothersome. 47-2 told him that he would "welcome the bats when they came." Soren did not know what that meant, until he witnessed a flock of vampire bats fly down and begin to feed on the blood of the moon blinked owls. This was a procedure done in order to stunt flight feather growth. 47-2 did not appear to be in pain, and during the procedure was very relaxed and content. She even called the process "lovely", leaving Soren deeply disturbed.

Soren, Gylfie, Twilight, and their newfound friend Digger encountered 47-2 once again near the end of The Capture. 47-2 had apparently been halted in the vampires bats monthly trips, and was taught to fly. She was flying with Jatt and Jutt in the Desert of Kuneer, with one of the Long-Eared Owls, either Jatt or Jutt, (who had previously eaten Digger's brother, Flick) describing the taste of a Burrowing Owl to her. They were getting ready to kill and eat Digger when the rest of The Band intervened. The Band would have lost this battle if two Bald Eagles, Zan and Streak hadn't shown up to fight. Jatt, Jutt and 47-2 were all killed by The Band with the assistance of the eagles Zan and Streak.


47-2 was a completely moon blinked owl, who introduced Soren and Gylfie to picking through pellets as well as the bats who took away the feeling to fly. She was a perfectly moon-blinked owl and was devoted to St. Aggie's. Moon-blinked owls can only do what they are told, so she was likely just brainwashed into enjoying all its activities, as well as inheriting its evil intentions. This is not confirmed, however.


  • In the Guardians of Ga'Hoole movie, Legend of the Guardians, when Jatt and Jutt are explaining what the flecks are to the moon-blinked owls, an owl that appears to be a Western Screech appears at the side of Pete, possibly 47-2.
  • In The Art of Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'hoole, there is an illustration of a Screech Owl Pure One guard, perhaps inspired by 47-2.
  • Since 47-2 had been moonblinked, she may not have been truly evil.  
  • It is unknown why 47-2 was out with Jatt and Jutt. She may have been reassigned to be a snatcher after the death of Grimble.

