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78-2 (real name unknown) is a female Barn Owl, or Tyto alba and member of the Tytonic Union of Pure Ones who infiltrated St. Aegolius Academy for Orphaned Owls as a slipgizzle for Kludd.


The Siege[]

Seeking to conquer the Canyonlands of St. Aegolius Academy for Orphaned Owls for the richness in Flecks, Kludd dispatched several of the Pure Ones to infiltrate St. Aggie's as slipgizzles to assist the Union in bringing down their lesser rival, one of them being the owl that, upon arriving at the 'Academy', would be given the name '78-2'. Eventually, 78-2 was able to successfully gain the position of a moss tender in the hatchery and, with several others tenders that were in reality Kludd followers, began weaving flecks stolen from the library into the nests of Barn Owl eggs, the intention apparently being to shatter the owlets within and therefor place them under the Union's control, swelling their infiltration force.

Unbeknownst to 78-2 and her fellows, their cohort Purity and several others had turned traitor, switching their allegiance to Skench and Spoorn and secretly both feeding the Union a combination of facts and lies and removing the flecks woven in. The truth was exposed eventually when members of a third party of infiltrators, Twilight and Ruby exposed one of the turnfeathers as they moved to remove the flecks 78-2 had woven into Twilight's nest an hour or so before. Instantly taking in and comprehending the truth behind the Great Gray and Short-eared owl's words, 78-2 flew across the room and savagely decapitated her former confederate with a slash of her talons for their treachery. She subsequently turned to join the battle beginning to rage between her fellow Kludd loyalists, the several turnfeathers and the owls of St. Aggie's.

It is unclear what became of 78-2 but, given her public exposure as a spy for the Tytonic Union of Pure Ones, she was most likely either killed or escaped St. Aggie's and re-joined the High Tyto's forces and continued to fight the Guardians and St. Aegolius during the War of the Pure Ones.


Very little can be discerned from 78-2's personality, as she only briefly appeared. However, if her actions were anything to say for it, she was evidently fiercely devoted to her master, High Tyto Kludd, or at least to the Tytonic Union of Pure Ones and their vision of Barn Owl superiority, in which she ranked highest as a Tyto Alba. This loyalty was clear by her willingly to mercilessly murder former comrades the minutes she realized they were turnfeathers to the Pure Ones, which she did without any sign of hesitation or remorse, indicating the high level of her fanaticism and bloodlust. Furthermore, her willingness both to murder fellow Barn Owls and weave flecks, which could have severely damaging effects on an owl at certain ages, into the nests of eggs belonging to Barn Owls shows her complete commitment to the Pure Ones and a readiness to commit atrocities without regret or hesitation, as well as a lack of any feeling of kinship or willingness to spare those of her kind that were not, like her, members of the Pure Ones.

Unlike some of her comrades, like Wortmore, 78-2 also seemed relatively quick-witted, as she was able to swiftly register the importance of Twilight and Ruby's words and comprehend that such action could only mean treachery was afoot, then savagely killing the exposed traitor in fury.
