
Boron's battle claws
"Bubo, sharpen the battle claws."
- Boron voicing his decision to engage the Pure Ones in battle.
Battle claws are weapons worn by owls on their feet, increasing the reach and deadliness of an owl's talons. They usually include a sharp claw-shaped blade and a glove-like leather harness, and can be more ornate depending on the owl's status. They are the most commonly used weapons in the movie, and vary in size and style.
The history of battle claws in the movie's universe is unknown, as Theo is never mentioned. However, it can be assumed that battle claws are already a well established weapon, appearing in the legends Noctus tells to his children.
Through Soren's encounters with both Pure Ones and Guardians, battle claws are confirmed to be still in use during present day, wielded by both factions.
When preparing for another war against Pure Ones, Ezylryb gained a new pair of battle claws were the right one being a grasping blade due to past leg injury from fighting Surtr. He still kept the previous pair's right claw in his person which then entrusted to Soren should he join the battle; it's safe to assume the other one had been destroyed at one point prior to the events of the film.
Unlike in the books where owls' talons are encased in the metal blades, the battle claws in the movie are blades that extend beyond the length of an owl's talons. The blades are secured to the wearer's foot with a leather "glove", and the movement of the blade is controlled by the owls' talons, which hook through loops below the blades.
Various modifications on this design can be seen in the movie, including the sword-like battle claws wielded by Strix Struma, and Ezylryb grasping a single blade in his injured foot.