"What do you mean, prideful?"
- Blythe to her sister Bell in Exile.
Blythe is a female Barn Owl, or Tyto alba, one of the three daughters of Soren and Pellimore. Together, she and her other two sisters, Sebastiana and Bell, are known as the three B's. She is also a proficient singer, similar to the famed singer of the Great Tree, Madame Plonk. In Bears of the Ice, she is her father's first lieutenant, and a skilled coder who sends coded messages via the sound-carrying roots of the Great Tree to the Northern Kingdoms.
The Outcast[]
Pellimore laid three eggs she conceived with Soren, one of which Blythe would hatch from.
The Golden Tree[]
Blythe, along with her sisters, had her First Flight ceremony outdoors in secret, defying the new "rule" that all First Flight ceremonies were to be flown indoors around the altar of the Ember.
The River of Wind[]
Blythe's mother, Pelli, and her aunt, Eglantine assigned her to the weather interpretation chaw for evening exercise. Blythe's other sisters were sent to individual chaws. She and Bash later were put under their mother's protection after their youngest sister Bell disappeared. When Bell was found and their father had returned from war, the three sisters greeted him and later asked their mother for a drink of water before going to sleep in the morning.
Blythe is disappointed when the Striga makes Coryn cancel the Harvest Festival, as she was supposed to sing. She and her sister Bash are the only owlets to see sense when the Striga made members of 'Blue Feather club' give up their 'vanities'.
The Den of Forever Frost[]
She appears alongside her father in the council hollow as his first lieutenant when the council discusses what's going on in the Northern Kingdoms.
The Keepers of the Keys[]
Blythe has developed a secret code for communicating with allies from the Nunquivik. A series of taps on hard surfaces, such as ice or the roots of the Great Tree represent symbols that convey important messages in a concise manner. She leaves them and runs away for the Guardians.
Blythe, and polar bears such as Svern and Jytte, exchange messages using this method throughout the book.
Blythe is a sensible owl. When the Striga organized 'The Blue Feather Club' she and her sister Sebastiana were the only owlets to see sense, as he made the other owlets give up their 'vanities' such as shells, beads, acorn necklaces and several Other (human) things.
- She was named for a beautiful place in Silverveil called Blythewold.
- Blythe's beautiful singing is unusual for a Barn Owl, as Snowy Owls usually have the loveliest voices.
Family Tree[]
Soren's Maternal Great-Grandfather | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Noctus | Marella | Unnamed parents | Pellimore's Aunt | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Former High Tyto | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() | ![]() | Blythe | Sebastiana | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
= Male
= Female
= Gender Unknown