Bubbles is a female magpie and Trader Mags's apprentice. She is well-meaning but somewhat of a simpleton, and Mags continually berates her for doing things wrong. She works with Mags and helps her trade her wares.
The Journey[]
During one of their visits to the Great Tree, Bubbles shows a piece of isinglass (mica) to Eglantine. Eglantine begins shaking as she remembers something deep and breaks out of her trance, and Bubbles is panicked by the reaction.
The Outcast []
While Trader Mags is out on a business trip, she leaves Bubbles in charge of her wares with a few rules.
Nyra, having killed the Rogue Smith of Silverveil and stolen her silver art, comes to Trader Mags' church disguised as a rogue smith, meeting Bubbles. She shows interest in Mags' collection of green eyes, which she had torn from paintings. Nyra trades her smithing tongs and silver art for the eyes, describing the trade as "art for art". After Trader Mags returns, she is upset that Bubbles traded all her green eyes and is angry at her for not realizing something was wrong, as the Rogue Smith of Silverveil was the only smith who worked with silver.
The Golden Tree[]
When the Band is trying to gain information from Trader Mags about the Book of Kreeth, Twilight rips off her bandanna in irritation, revealing her bald spot, and Bubbles is quite shocked.
Exile []
When Bubbles and Trader Mags arrive at the Great Tree, Octavia tells them there wouldn't be really any calls for their wares today, due to the mysterious Striga. Octavia then tells her that Trader Mags had something interesting for Otulissa. Bubbles thinks the snake was talking of their wares and is sure Otulissa wouldn't want any, and Trader Mags scolds her for her misunderstanding.
Bubbles is a foolish magpie, who is very trusting and doesn't bother to think twice. However, she is kindhearted, and is very chatty. She is very loyal to her mistress, Trader Mags.