She is not to be confused with the Kraal pirate Dagmar
Dagmar MacHeath was a female Dire Wolf, or Aenocyon dirus, who lived during the era of legends and a member of the MacHeath Clan. She was one of Dunleavy MacHeath's several mates and like all her partner's mates, Dagmar was purposefully maimed by MacHeath during one of his rages - in her case, half her tongue was missing.
Before the Books[]
Like all of the ancient Dire Wolves, Dagmar ventured from the Distant Blue with Fengo in the wake of the Always Cold and travelled to resettle in Beyond the Beyond. Dagmar, like all the mates and pups of Dunleavy MacHeath, was a victim of continues abuse from her mate, who's family were constantly threatened by his unpredictable rages, and during one of these fits, Dagmar lost half her tongue. It is currently unspecified whether the name 'Dagmar' was her birth name, as MacHeath claimed to have bestowed names on all of his mates.
The Coming of Hoole[]
Dagmar, MacHeath's other mates and various other wolves were present when Dunleavy, denied guardianship over what he claimed to be the 'wolf ember', attacked Fengo in a fury that left him half-blind. In the wake of this scuffle, Fengo declared to the gathered clans that it was the duty of the dire wolves to defend the Sacred Ring until the heir to the ember came.
As the wolves dispersed, however, MacHeath approached Dagmar and, though the mixture of favours and promises, persuaded her to remain with him when he retired to his lair, when Dagmar licked the empty socket that had once been his eye. As Dunleavy rises to his feet and begins to ramble furiously of the absence of his longest mate, Hordweard, Dagmar cowered away in fear, her terror and regret about having not abandoned him when given the chance obvious. When Hordweard met Dunleavy and returned the bone offered to her in exchange for her services, Dagmar erupted into wailing howls in answer to the gnaw bone snapping, a source of immense superstition for dire wolves.
Later on, Dagmar was among the wolves that gathered at the Sacred Ring when Hordweard, now known as Namara, returned to the Beyond, carrying in her jaws the lifeless body of Dagmar's mate and tormentor. Though certainly silently elated that the tyrant that had left her without a full tongue would never torture her or her pups again, Dagmar showed signs of nervousness as well, clearly afraid of MacHeath's crimes being pinned on her as well. Dagmar presumably participated in the subsequent battle against the hagsfiend and owl followers of Lord Arrin and, assuming she survived, beheld Hoole retrieve the Ember from Dunmore. It is uncertain what became of Dagmar, but she might have remained with the MacHeaths or left the Clan to form the MacNamara Clan.