Doc Finebeak is a male Snowy Owl, or Bubo scandiacus, and a famous freelance tracker. Wearing a single black feather on the left side of his ear slit, he is respected by all crows and is given a rare permission to be able to travel during the daylight hours without fear of being mobbed by them. He was once in the employment of the Pure Ones; later, he came to become a resident of the Great Ga'Hoole Tree as Madame Plonk’s companion, and later, mate.
The Hatchling[]
Finebeak was hired by Nyra to track down her son Nyroc for the Pure Ones. He quickly kept on the trail of him and his close friend Phillip, aka Dustytuft, and eventually managed to catch the two.
The Outcast[]
Doc Finebeak regretted working for Nyra and vowed to never serve her again. He met Uglamore, a deserted Pure One at Beyond the Beyond. They witnessed Coryn, formerly known as Nyroc, retrieving the Ember of Hoole, marking him as king of Ga'Hoole. When Nyra attempted to take the Ember for herself, Doc Finebeak and Uglamore helped in leading Nyra into the jaws of a sick wolf. Unfortunately, Uglamore was killed when Nyra slipped out of the way and escaped.
The Golden Tree[]
The renowned tracker met Madame Brunwella Plonk, the singer at the Great Tree, when she was on a mission to get to Coryn and the Band and tell them of the worship of the Ember of Hoole that was taking place at the Great Tree. Doc Finebeak offered his assistance in finding them. Later, he and Soren went to Ambala to get the flying snakes Slynella and Stingyll to cure Twilight after the battle in the Tunnels of Despair. He then followed the Guardians to the Great Ga'Hoole Tree.
The River of Wind[]
Doc Finebeak came to take residence at the tree and became Madame Plonk's companion. He later was requested by Pellimore to find her daughter, Bell. Eglantine and Primrose found out about a slink melf into the Middle Kingdom plotted Nyra. They informed Doc Finebeak of it, and he snapped his crow feather in two and gave it to them, so that they could travel day and night to warn Coryn and the Band of the danger.
Doc Finebeak and Ga'Hoolian chaws were on their way to stop Nyra's slink melf at the Middle Kingdom when he encountered the Striga, a blue owl from the destination who also saved Bell's life. The Striga then led them to the Kingdom.
Doc Finebeak became Madame Plonk's new mate. Later, he witnessed the brave owl, Kalo, stand up against the Blue Brigade. Doc Finebeak was later requested by the parliament to find some hireclaws.
The War of the Ember[]
In order to prepare for the War of the Ember, Coryn sent Doc Finebeak to recruit crows, as he was feared and loved by them. Doc Finebeak not only got the crows to join them, but also seagulls as well, forming the Black and White Brigade that specialized in bombing enemy troops with their "birdie pies."
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