Fiona MacDuncan was a female dire wolf, or Aenocyon dirus, and a high-ranking member of the MacDuncan Clan, being the mate of Duncan MacDuncan.
Very little is known in regards to Fiona MacDuncan's appearance, as she is only described by Coryn as a large she-wolf with a grey pelt, but her eyes, like the eyes of all dire wolves, were green. Apart from this, no description is given to Fiona's appearance.
The Outcast[]
Along with the rest of the MacDuncan Clan, Fiona was seen by Coryn as she and her clansmen hunted down a caribou, which Fiona's mate finished off. After Duncan delivering the final blow, Fiona trotted to join her chieftain and mate by the carcass, which she and MacDuncan ate from first, then moved aside to permit the other dire wolves to eat at varying stages.
The wolves of the MacDuncan Clan, Fiona among them
A few days afterwards, Fiona and her clan, after a steadfast hunt that lasted a day and a night, finally set upon a moose they had been tracking and killed it, after which the wolves (apart from Hamish) ate to their full from, even permitting ravens to dine with them. The clan, however, made an instant retreat when an immense grizzly approached, who drove of the hunters when they attempted to reclaim their prize. Like all of her clan, Fiona was shocked when a young Barn Owl baring a scar across his face joined the bear by the carcass and when Coryn, as the Tyto alba was called, requested the gnaw wolf Hamish be sent to eat first, Fiona crouched in a sign of appeasement and agreement to this declaration, as did all her clansmen, then watched Hamish join Coryn by the body before moving in to eat at the hindquarters, occasionally glancing up to marvel at Coryn, thinking back on the legends of the Sacred Watch.
Along with her mate, Fiona offered Coryn customary sanctuary with the MacDuncans as they ventured into region of the Pennvault River, which was accept by the son of Nyra and Kludd. The clan henceforth continued their travels north towards the Sacred Ring of Volcanoes, travelling when it was night, sleeping during the day, in Fiona's case, besides her husband and their pups.
As per tradition, when the MacDuncans found themselves in the territory of the jealous MacHeath Clan, Fiona, along with MacDuncan and at least two of their nobles, McAngus and Donalbain, ventured to treat with Dunleavy MacHeath for safe conduct, accompanied by Coryn. Though she made no notable interjections at least into Duncan and Dunleavy's initial conversation, Fiona joined the other dire wolves as they murmured a prayer to Lupus and expressed curiosity towards the scraps of paintings brought forth by Sir Crathmore, laughing heartily when Duncan MacDuncan jokingly suggested the green of the painted eyes indicated the Others had some of the dire wolf spirit in them. As was the case with her mate, Fiona MacDuncan was presumably disgusted when she saw how the young Cody had evidently been maimed in the name of the MacHeaths gaining a member of their clan a position on the Sacred Watch. Fiona is presumably present when Coryn retrieves Ember of Hoole and if so, joined the wolves that helped corner the Madame General when Nyra attempts to assassinate her son.
- While in the Chronicles of Coryn, Fiona was the mate of Duncan MacDuncan, in Wolves of the Beyond, the mate of MacDuncan was Cathmor. Incidently, however, both she-wolves were noted for their grey pelts, so it is possible that Fiona and Cathmor were one and the same, only under different names.