Guardians of Ga’Hoole Wiki
Glauxian Brothers' Retreat
Glauxian retreat map
Terrain: rocky with groves of deciduous trees
Climate: Frigid, arctic
Points of Interest: The Glauxian Brothers' Retreat, Hoole's original hollow
Current: The Glauxian Brothers, Thor, Twilla
Former: Hoole, Grank, Theo, Berwyck, Honeyvox, Ezylryb, Octavia, Cleve, Ifghar, Gragg, Brother Oliver
On map
Unnamed on map

The Glauxian Brothers' Retreat is a location on the unnamed island in the Bitter Sea where the Glauxian Brothers reside.


The First Collier[]

Grank settles down on the island in the Bitter Sea in order to attempt to raise Hoole in peace. He builds a fire, which attracts the attention of a young Great Horned Owl, Theo, and he becomes Grank's apprentice. Theo tells of his plans to become a Glauxian Brother.

The Coming of Hoole[]

The Glauxian Brothers first settle on the island, and are made aware of Grank, Theo and Hoole's presence over time. Brother Berwyck decides to get closer with them and to interact with Hoole, and the two become friends. Later, their hollow is attacked by the hagsfiend Ygryk and her mate Pleek. They decide it was not be safe there anymore, so Grank, Hoole, and Theo head for the Beyond, leaving the Glauxian Brothers to themselves.

To Be a King[]

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The Burning[]

Otulissa and Gylfie travel to the Glauxian Brothers' Retreat to retrieve a new copy of Fleckasia and Other Disorders of the Gizzard, as well as gather other information from their large library. As this is one of the few places to have trees in the Northern Kingdom, they figure that the retreat is where Hoole was hatched.

Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole (video game)[]

In the video game, the player, known as Shard, travels to the Northern Kingdoms with their teammate, Parzival. They seek out the Glauxian Brothers to question about the nature of flecks.


The Glauxian Brothers' Retreat is located in a large circular grove of birch trees on the unnamed island. In Spirit Wolf, it is stated that silver spruce trees can only be found on the unnamed island.[1]


  • In the game canon, the retreat is not a large circle of birch trees, but an intricately carved fortress, sculpted in the shape of an owl. Similar statues can be seen in St. Aggie's in the movie. This is due to, in movie/game canon, the Canyonlands once being occupied by Glauxian Brothers, in what they called the Perrock Monastery.



  1. Spirit Wolf, page 141