Guardians of Ga’Hoole Wiki
Guardians of Ga’Hoole Wiki
Guardians of the Guardians of the Ember
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Organization type: organization type
Doctrine: To defend and protect the Ember of Hoole while most of the members of Chaws of Chaws is away
Sub-groups: subgroups
Headquarters: Great Tree of Ga'Hoole
Founder: Gemma
Leaders: Gemma (former)

Elyan (former) Yeena (former)

The Guardians of the Guardians of the Ember (the GGE) was an organization at the Great Ga'Hoole Tree that was dedicated to protecting the Ember of Hoole.


The organization was established in The Golden Tree by the Whiskered Screech Owl, Gemma. It was not fully approved by the Parliament, with the Chaw of Chaws and the healer Fleemus disagreeing. Coryn, however, allows it to extent, and following his departure, despite the opposition of Fleemus, Otulissa, Ruby, Eglantine and Martin, Gemma went on with its creation, becoming the leader alongside the owls Elyan and Yeena. The owls of the GGE also purchased piles of cloth stitched with silver and gilt thread from Trader Mags, which they formed the basis of the Fine Embroidery and Sewing Guild with.

Elevation Ceremony[]

Gemma implemented an "Elevation Ceremony," the ceremony that would place the three owls as the highest of the high honor guards, who were to protect the Ember in its "en-hollowed" state. En-hollowed is the term used for when the Ember was contained and safe. Madame Plonk and her snakes were to play at the one and only ceremony to ever take place, where Plonk sang a newly composed celebratory song called "Chant of the Ember." The ceremony ends with what is called "The Ultimate Elevation", where the new leaders fly through the "Path of Elevation", a trail of ashes collected from the Ember of Hoole. The ashes were spread by Primrose, who was specifically asked to fly with a thimble full of the ashes.The ashes of the Ember were normally collected in a large Others' hat, received from Trader Mags, and these ashes became part of a field of study entirely dedicated to studying their power.

Chant of the Ember[]

Oh, dearest Ember of Hoole,

guard our tree most great

Warm our gizzards, make us wise,

lead us in your holy ways.

Give us comfort, let tumult cease,

bless each owl so safe we'll keep.

We sing to you, your glowing splendor

Radiant with magen's grace

So we ask that peace be with us,

and in you our trust do place.

— Madame Plonk, The Golden Tree, pages 60-61


When the Band and Coryn return from their mission, the GGE are all scolded by a furious Coryn (who had never permitted its later actions) for putting the Ember, an inanimate object, above the actual Guardians themselves. He disbands them on the spot, telling them to return to their hollows for the time being. It is later decided that they would be sent to the Glauxian Brothers' and Sisters' Retreats.

Known Members[]
