Guardians of Ga’Hoole Wiki

Moss is a male Snowy Owl, or Nyctea scandiaca, and an old warrior of the Northern Kingdoms. He was in charge of the Glauxspeed Division and the Frost Beaks.


The Rise of a Legend[]

Moss' family was neighbors to Lyze's family, and both Moss and Lyze hatched within hours of each other, although Moss may have hatched a few hours earlier. Lyze was incredibly jealous of Moss, seeing as Snowy Owls gain their flight feathers earlier than Whiskered Screech Owls and he delighted in showing off his flying skills.

When Moss' mother Hrenna returned from war, Lyze's family was invited over to Moss' family's hollow. When Lyze arrived, he noticed Moss cowering beside his mother in fear and shame, trying to hide Hrenna's mangled foot. Lyze understood his feelings exactly.

Lyze and Moss started talking and became fast friends, with Moss delaying his flight milestone trip to Dark Fowl Island so that Lyze could join him. During this journey, they were accompanied by their fathers, Arne and Rask. They flew past the Ice Dagger where they observed Kielian League ice harvesters at work, but got caught up in an ambush by Ice Talons hireclaws. Lyze and Moss, working together, were able to take down an enemy Barn Owl.

The Burning[]

Ezylryb sent the Chaw of Chaws to the Northen Kingdoms to find Moss, hoping he would send reinforcements to aid against the Pure Ones and their flecks. Soren was given Ezylryb's battle claws to show he is his ward. Svall the polar bear led the group where Moss's clan is and told Moss of their arrival. Moss had Soren come forward so that he could see the two sealed documents Ezylryb written for him. Upon reading them, Moss had the Chaw of Chaws practice with ice swords and teach them to their fellow guardians. However, he warned that the request for the Glauxspeed Division and the Frost Beaks will have to be approved by the parliament.

Gylfie later went back to the Northern Kingdoms to enlist the help of the army of the Northern Kingdoms. Eventually, Moss led the divisions and squads of the Northern Kingdom's owls and Kielian snakes and aided in the battle at the Canyonlands.

The War of the Ember []

Moss helped the Guardians of Ga'Hoole by providing additional forces in the war.

