The symbol of the Navigation Chaw from the movie.
The Navigation Chaw is a chaw which was originally taught by Strix Struma until her death. Sometime between the books 6-8, Gylfie became head of the navigation chaw.
Owls in the Navigation Chaw learn to trace constellations in the sky. Students in the navigation chaw have to remember constellations and relate it to different land locations at different times of the year. An owl is chosen for this chaw if they find ten nooties (acorns) in the shape of a constellation in their bedding.
- The Eye of Glaux/Great Glaux - The constellation of the owl god, Glaux. The eye is said to be the brightest star in the sky, most likely being the North Star, or as the owls call it, "Nevermoves." In the summer, the constellation can only be seen in the Northern Kingdoms.
- The Golden Talons / The Great Fangs /The Great Claw - A constellation of owl talons. In the Beyond, they are instead thought of as dire wolf fangs, and to bears, a bear paw. Their movement across the sky was used by Fengo to determine when the Sacred Ring of Volcanoes would erupt in The First Collier. Two of the named stars of the Golden Talons are Declan, the third star in the third starboard rear toe, and Triga, a star in a front toe on the same side.
- The Little Raccoon
- The Big Raccoon/Dancing Raccoon
- The Great Crow
- The Whale's Fin
- The Great Wolf/Bear - A constellation that the wolves consider to represent their god, Lupus. The bears however, view it as a bear. The stars that compose the paws are notably greenish in color.
- The Fighting Bear - A constellation, separate from the Great Bear, depicting a bear striding across the night sky wielding a sword. The star on the tip of the sword points southwest, and is visible from the Nunquivik into the Northern Kingdoms. [1]
- The Crown of Hoole - A crown shaped constellation. The name choice is odd, since Hoole was specifically noted to never have worn a crown.
- The Star Ladder - The constellation that wolf spirits, or lochin, climb to get to the Cave of Souls. The first star of the ladder is named Molgith.[2]
- The Cave of Souls - Where wolf lochin are said to rest, aka wolf heaven. It is located above the Star Ladder constellation.
- Beezar - A minor constellation considered to resemble a stumbling blind wolf with his foreleg cautiously outstretched. Beezar can only be seen in the Beyond during the Spring Moons, where it travels west from there. It can, however, be viewed across the Ice Bridge and into the Distant Blue alongside the Narwhale constellation. The first star in his stumbling paw is named Kilyric[3], and has a pinkish glow to it.
- The Narwhale - A constellation depicting a narwhale, its spear pointing west toward the Distant Blue. It can only be seen from the Ice Bridge and into the Distant Blue, not viewable in any of the Hoolian Kingdoms or the Beyond.[4]
- Aranea - The spider constellation. In the center, there's a bright blue star, the Aranea star, with hundreds of stars spreading out from it to form its web. [5]
- The Light Bringer - Not a constellation, but a notable "morning star." A morning star is a planet visible in the east during sunrise.
- Joss - A morning star, named after the messenger Joss from legend. [6]
- Hilgeen - The last evening star.[7]