Rolf is a polar bear and Svarr and Svenka's son and the adopted nephew of Queen Siv.
The First Collier[]
Rolf, called then First, was born together with his sister, Anka, initially named Second, and Third, who died shortly after birth. Soon after that, Svenka went to visit Siv.
The Coming of Hoole[]
First received his true name along with his sister after having played with Svenka. He was named Rolf, and his sister Anka. The early renaming occurred due to the demand of Siv to Svenka, just before she left in search of her son Hoole, since the polar bears usually wait three months before giving their cubs their true names because of high infant mortality.
After, Rolf and his sister found Dunleavy MacHeath on the shore of the Dark Fowl Island, where all of them temporarily lived. They call Siv, and Svenka also arrived shortly after with her. Then, they made the acquaintance of the wolf, and when he, stunned by the Bingle Juice, fell asleep, their mother asked Rolf and his sister to keep an eye on him while she and Siv were consulting.
To Be a King[]
Rolf and his family were informed by Theo about the death of Siv, and of the need of spies by Hoole. They are very brokenhearted by the loss of their dear “auntie”, but Theo comforted them telling that they will meet with her again in Glaumora, which Svenka reassured was one and the same with the Bear afterlife. After that, at the suggestion of Svenka, Theo left in research of Svarr, which could be useful as slipgizzle.