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Sebastiana, aka Bash, Basha, or Basher, is the second daughter/son of Soren and Pellimore. Their sisters are Blythe and Bell, and together they are known as 'The Three B's'.


The Outcast[]

Pellimore laid three eggs she conceived with Soren, one of which Sebastiana would hatch from.

The Golden Tree[]

She is mentioned as being seen by Otulissa from the prison in the Great Tree, doing her First Flight Ceremony.

The River of Wind[]

Sebastiana is growing into a sensible young owl, one of the three daughters of Soren and Pellimore. Sebastiana goes with her sisters, along with her mother Pelli, aunt Eglantine and Primrose to Silverveil to train in their chawlets. Bash and her sisters each get assigned to separate chawlets, Bash to coal beds, Bell to navigation, and Blythe to weather-interpretation. When Bell goes missing, Doc Finebeak sets out to find her, and Pelli stays at the Great Tree to tend to Bash and Blythe.


Bash and her sister Blythe are the only owlets in the "Blue-Feather Club" to see sense and not give up their "vanities" to the Striga, an owl she thoroughly despises.

Keeper of the Keys[]

It is briefly stated by Bash that he followed in his parents' talon prints to become a Guardian of the Great Tree and member of the Weathering Chaw, in addition to being attached to the Colliering Chaw. Despite his parentage technically making him Prince of Ga'Hoole, just as his sisters were Princesses, Bash, though slightly boastful, grew up with the same modesty his father had and never bragged about how, through Soren, he was related to Coryn, heir of Hoole and the greatest King the owls of Ga'Hoole had seen in centuries.

During a skirmish with an unknown group, Bash, fresh in his first ever battle and deprived of his firebrand and coals, henceforth utilized his own body as a weapon, swooping on an enemy bird and knocking him from the sky with brute strength alone, earning him the nickname 'Basher'.


  • The Bash that appears in Keepers of the Keys is most likely intended to be Sebastiana, despite being identified a male Barn Owl. There is a possibility he may have been intended to be a younger brother to Sebastiana born after The War of the Ember, but there is no evidence in the text that confirms this, rather the contrary. On page 37 of Keepers of the Keys, it states, "He knew he could depend on Blythe, one of Soren and Pelli’s owlets—the three Bs, they were called, Blythe, Bell, and Bash."[1] implying that the pair only have three children.

Family Tree[]

Soren's Maternal Great-Grandfather
Unnamed parents
Pellimore's Aunt
Former High Tyto
Kludd (novels only)
Sacred Orb

    = Male

    = Female

    = Gender Unknown

  1. Keeper of the Keys, page 37