Guardians of Ga’Hoole Wiki
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St. Aegolius Academy for Orphaned Owls, or St. Aggie's, is the stronghold of the Pure Ones in Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole and the associated video game. The so-called academy serves as labor camp where kidnapped owls are forced to collect flecks from pellets, along with serving as a place to train new Pure One soldiers. The majority of the workers at St. Aegolius are moon blinked.

The St. Aegolius canyons are featured most prominently in the first third of the movie. St. Aggies is not to be confused with the stone palace, a similar location that shows up later in the film.



Jutt and Jatt, St. Aegolius lieutenants, the owls who snatched Soren

Before the movie[]

"St. Aegolius, or St. Aggies for short, was conceived as an ancient owl monastery that had been ransacked and repurposed by the Pure Ones into a Dickensian workhouse. It is hidden deep and a desert canyon, and for a brief sequence we see our kidnapped owlets being flown through a series of confusing tunnels in order to reach St. Aggies' entrance. Although the owls could probably find a more direct route to St. Aggies, we thought that the kidnappers would want the young owlets to be as disorientated and frightened as possible before they were indocrinated." - Grant Freckelton, The Art of Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole

In The Art of Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole, the artists reveal that the St. Aegolius Academy was designed to look like an astrological observatory and ceremonial location created by an ancient owl society, which was then taken over and repurposed by the Pure Ones. A giant hagsfiend statue is located in the middle of the pellatorium, suggesting that perhaps the embellished canyons were created during the time of legends.









Soren and Gylfie's escape

Nyra's quarters[]




(This page is a work in progress.)
