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Stormfast Island
Terrain: Rocky, icy cliffs with small strands of pine, birch, and spruce trees
Climate: Frigid, arctic
Points of Interest: Lyze's Hollow, Thora's Secret Forge, The Hock
Current: Hoke of Hock, Hellie, Prytlah
Former: Ezylryb, Thora Plonk, Moss, Ulfa, Rask, Lysa, Ifghar, Gundesfyrr, Gilda, Octavia, Rogue Smith of Stormfast Island
On map
Stormfast on map-0

Stormfast Island is an island in the Everwinter Sea of the Northern Kingdoms, on which Ezylryb was hatched and raised.


Stormfast Island is rocky and icy, with a few groves of trees that house many families. The groves are composed primarily of coniferous trees, such as pine trees and spruce trees, but there are also deciduous trees, like birch trees.

To the southeastern end of the island is The Hock, a rocky cliff with many dug-out caves, or nosts, where a large group of Kielian snakes live. They dive from the tall cliffs into the sea below in order to catch their prey, which mostly consists of small fish.


The Rise of a Legend[]

Lyze, later known as Ezylryb, was hatched in a pine tree hollow on Stormfast during the War of the Ice Claws. The residents of the island were mostly soldiers of the Kielian League, who would lay eggs on their brief visits home before returning to battle. The eggs were watched over by broodies, Lyze's broody being Gundesfyrr, and nest maid snakes took care of the hollow.

Lyze met his neighbor, Moss, and the two learned to fly together. After their visit to Dark Fowl Island, they met Thora, who showed them a secret forge that used to belong to a master Burrowing Owl Rogue smith.

Stormfast was later attacked by the Ice Talon League, who burned down the grove of pine trees that Lyze had grown up in. They fought them off, but unfortunately many lives were lost, including Gundesfyrr and Lyze's new little sister, Lysa. Shortly after Lyze left to become a Kielian League cadet on Dark Fowl, his parents, Rask and Ulfa, moved to a spruce grove on the northern side of Stormfast. There, they laid another egg, which hatched Ifghar.
