Guardians of Ga’Hoole Wiki
Guardians of Ga’Hoole Wiki
Books Video Game

The Glauxian Brothers (Books)
Glauxian retreat map
Organization type: Religious and educational institution
Doctrine: Compassion, healing, education, rehabilitation
Sub-groups: N/A
Headquarters: Glauxian Brothers' Retreat
Founder: unknown
Leaders: unknown

"Their nature is that of restraint. Their passion is peace. Their heroism comes from their mercy. Their honor is found in resistance, their dignity in their humility."
―Theo's describing the Glauxian Brothers, To Be a King

The Glauxian Brothers are a group of male owls who spend their time meditating in silence, as well as studying the teachings of Glaux. They are peaceful and shun violence and war. Also, they specialize in healing, poetry, and bookmaking/book repair. Some of these owls are turnfeather or banished owls who have turned to the ways of repentance. The Glauxian Brothers are found at the Northern Kingdoms since the time of Hoole.

There is a similar group called the Glauxian Sisters. They are female owls with the same beliefs as the Glauxian Brothers.

The Glauxian Brothers' Retreat is located on the unnamed island in the center of the Bitter Sea.

Beliefs of Hagsfiends[]

Even though the Glauxian Brothers and Sisters have same practices and beliefs, their views of Hagsfiends differ from each other. The Glauxian Brothers believed hagsfiends came into the world because owlkind has displeased Glaux. The Glauxian Sisters don't actually believe these demons existed at all.


Simon, a Glauxian Brother


The Siege[]

Simon, a Glauxian Brother on pilgrimage from the Northern Kingdoms, comes across a badly injured Kludd and nurses him back to health, only for Kludd to then kill Simon once he regained his strength.

The First Collier[]

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The Coming of Hoole[]

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The Burning[]

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The River of Wind[]

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Known Glauxian Brothers[]

  • Berwyck - a Boreal owl on a pilgrimage
  • Brother Cedric - an elderly Great Grey from the time of the legends
  • Cormac (video game)
  • Honeyvox - a mute Tropical Screech sent out of the Great Tree after an attempt to poison Sir Lucien Plonk.
  • Simon - a brown fish owl murdered by Kludd
  • Thor
  • Members of the Guardians of the Guardians of the Ember - banned from the Great Tree for creating ember worship of the Ember of Hoole.


  • Theo, the first blacksmith, tried joining the Glauxian Brothers, as he is a gizzard resister; but they said he wasn't quite ready.
  • In the video game, the Glauxian Brothers have a location in the Southern Kingdoms called the Perrock Monastery in the Canyonlands. It is taken over by hagsfiends, afterwards becoming the St. Aegolius Academy for Orphaned Owls.
