Bartholomew's Mother was an unnamed female Barn Owl, or Tyto alba and the mother of Bartholomew IV (later renamed Uglamore). Following the death of her mate, she and her son both joined the Pure Ones, who's beliefs regarding the superiority owls of the Tyto genus - especially Tyto albas like herself - had over all other species she apparently shared.
As per the tradition of her mate's family, she named her only child Bartholomew, the name all the males of her in-laws shared and a name her son would greatly resent in later years, wishing he had been given a more unique name. The family lived in a lakeside pine hollow located within the southern edge of the Shadow Forest and during Bartholomew IV's hatchling years, his mother would often call him "Bartimoo", which, though it was a nickname of affection, was source of embarrassment to her son. Though it is unconfirmed if her mate and his family shared such beliefs, Bartholomew's mother was a apparent believer in the supremacy of Barn Owls and constantly often told her son how, with his pure white heart-shaped face and black eyes, he was "Tyto alba through and through".
Following the demise of her mate, the fledgling Bartholomew and his mother chose to join the ranks of the Tytonic Union of Pure Ones, who's beliefs Bartholomew's dam shared, telling her son how their place was now with "like-minded" owls. The Pure Ones were, at this time, slowly starting to amass their power and begun to conquer the various minor dominions that dotted the Forest Kingdom of Tyto and given that she was likely in prime fighting conditions, Bartholomew's mother might very well have assisted in these occupations as a soldier.
Though it is unconfirmed if Bartholomew's dam ever gained admission into the Pure Ones' more elite fighting forces, her son, the owl that would grow to become the Lieutenant Uglamore, would eventually be tasked with killing his paternal cousin for his Tytonic Union Pure Special Initiation Ceremony, which his mother encouraged, telling him he must prove himself as a soldier of the Tyto Empire and he would, in her eyes, be doing his cousin a kindness by "putting the poor thing out of his misery", regarding her nephew an "impure" owlet for reasons unknown. She subsequently accompanied Bartholomew back to the Shadow Forest to commit the murder and encouraged her son on as he reluctantly shoved the flightless owlet from his nest, then praising him with her Pure One comrades, seemingly unaware of the utter confliction of emotions her son felt.
Uglamore's Mother's final fate is unknown, and it is never clarified if she was still alive by the time Kludd took power by slaying his predecessor, nor if she took part in the War of the Pure Ones or lived long enough to see her son abandon the Pure Ones.
Lost Tales of Ga'Hoole[]
Uglamore Redeemed[]
Uglamore's mother was mentioned various times throughout her son's recollections as Bartholomew — now Uglamore — looked back on what he had done with his life. He contemplates that though he had been raised near singerly by his mother, she had done little more than raise and feed him.